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General Data Protection Regulation - Legal Requirement

The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect from 25th May 2018.
As a result, we are required to advise you of what data we hold for you and how we will use it.

Any information that we hold and store in relation to you is only used in connection with the contract between you and The Stapleford Abbotts Village Hall Association (SAVHA) whether as a customer or supplier.

Information we may hold about you or your business:

  • Customer name (whether an individual or company)

  • Correspondence address

  • Business contacts (Sales/Accounts/Management)

  • Various telephone numbers, fax numbers and email addresses supplied by you

  • VAT number

  • Bank account details

All information gathered and stored is for hiring, accounting and billing purposes only.
We will not share or sell on your information to any third parties and will only contact you in relation to the hire of the village hall or any work you are doing for us. We do not make unsolicited calls or send mailshots to customers. The data we hold for you is used only to facilitate trading with you or your business and for general correspondence with you or your staff.

Information about you that we hold is retained as an electronic record within our office and these details are only accessed by Committee Members of SAVHA. All hard copy records are stored in a secure location within our premises and destroyed after seven years.

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